An information resource for and about
trans* people in the Province of Alberta


June 1, 2015: Full website overhaul.

When this website was first compiled, the understanding and language used to describe trans* people was very limited. The website has been totally overhauled to address changes to the collective awareness, and medical process. Thank you for your patience in this time!

One significant thing that has changed is how the resource links are to be handled. I found it impossible to keep up with changes that had been taking place, and found it necessary to turn the resources sections into an open-format, editable section, in which service providers, stores, support groups and other community aids can enter and update their information. If you provide a service to trans* people, their families, or their allies, please check your info herein, or start a page. The resource Wiki is a trans-positive, family-friendly resource. It is also a moderated section, and prank or offensive listings will not be tolerated.

Support groups are listed in the Resource Wiki, and are able to change / update their information.

I no longer have national resources listed, for the same reason, but they are welcome at the Resource Wiki.

I have endeavored to make this website mobile-friendly, and that has dictated some of the design.

For the first time, it is also possible to donate toward the website's maintenance. Over the years, this has been an entirely volunteer-driven project, and any kindness is appreciated.

In response to queries, I do not have a mailing list, but appreciate the interest.

©2015. was launched in 2007 and is a volunteer-run project.
What is Trans*?
Gender Diversity
Human Rights and ID Issues
The Transition Process in Alberta
Facts About Youth
Info for Media
Info for Medical Professionals.jpg
The ATo Library